The nominations for the 9th Annual Top Shorts 2023 have been announced!
In the Valley of the Moon (dir. Luca Massimiliano Pizzoleo) and More Than Meets The Eye (dir. David Samson) earn most nominations this year. Congratulations to all the nominees!

Best of Fest
Black Tie Optional - Shuban Krishnan
OPIA - Edward Mines
In the Valley of the Moon - Luca Massimiliano Pizzoleo
Judas by the Sea - Hao Wu
My Girlfriend's Family - Kimberly Schäfer, Riccarda Richter
Torn Souls (Les Mains Vides) - Arthur Dupont
Best Narrative Film
Black Tie Optional - Shuban Krishnan
In the Valley of the Moon - Luca Massimiliano Pizzoleo
Judas by the Sea - Hao Wu
Premonition - Nick Marchuk
Torn Souls (Les Mains Vides) - Arthur Dupont
Why Me!? - Delores M Flynn
Best Indie Film
How To Con A Con - Jonathan Waide
A Bedtime Story - Petr Melnikov
Luminous - Joseph Anthony Marcello
Goggles - Brenda Laidman, Anna Nadtotchii
Anniversary - Ali Schmahl, Stefanie Schmahl
Safe Harbor - Daniel Ståhl
Best Drama
Embers - Benjamin Ross Johnson
Invisible Flags - Meitar Paz
No Good Deed - Sotiris Demba
Be Well - Thomas Quinn
Peace in Patience - Sanmi Oguntunde, Timi Oyelude
Premonition - Nick Marchuk
Best Comedy
Boss of the Toss - Chris Harboldt
Gone Missin' - Josh Morton
Aping Edwin Porter - James O'Donnell
I Mustache You - Shara Ashley Zeiger
First Day - Ellis Flurry
Perspectives - Veronica Nichols
Best Thriller
MADMA!D - Yunyi Zhu
More Than Meets The Eye - David Samson
The Washer - Xiao Chen
A Deadly Conversation - David Pratt, Vincent Edwards
Ticking - Joey R Marino
Bereft - Rhea Dudani
Best Horror
Faithful Witness: In the Middle - NaKeyah Dae
Cycle - Nazar Balanov, Yuri Nikolaichuk
Scratch - Michael Trainotti
E P - Nathan Alan Thomas
Chimera Road - Gregory Da Silva
Hellscape - Sam Sorenson
Best Sci-Fi
CORE - Soo-min Song, Young-chan Kim, Do-hun Lee
OPIA - Edward Mines
Ship of Theseus - Yiqing Gu
CRISPR - David Edwards
tRuth - Sylvie Zaidman, Nic Shake
Future Dictator - Lucas Shim, Brad Tryon
Best Experimental Film
A Feast That Never Comes - Maria Juranic, Sven Britt
Push - Jasmine Quiñones
Temporary Contemporary - Oliver David Brand
ADULTS - Alberto Martín-Aragón
Reflection - Lex Harold
Tenderness - Adam William Wilson

Best Inspirational Film
Elizabeth Evelyn Wright: Her Legacy of Land, Labor & Learning - Marti Chitwood Covington
Down The Line - Oliver Hamilton
The Beach - Caitlin Patricia Weiler, Peter Soby, Matthew S. Robinson
Weightless - Dominik Rüedi
The Uncommon Garden - Olympia Stone
Osmosis - Thereza Helena
Best Fantasy Film
Any Witch Way - Vesta Millard, Athena Raphael
Ship of Theseus - Yiqing Gu
The Washer - Xiao Chen
Snap - Aramayis Hayrapetyan
In the Middle of God - Part II - Jorge Ospina
Best Dark Comedy
Just The Hits - Christopher Vernale, Andy Karl, Dominic Scaglione Jr.
Awkward Endeavors - Derek Frey
Beep - Allan Plenderleith
Call of the Clown Horn - Mike Stutz
Porky - Samuel Paul Tricomo
Big Foot In Love - Clint J Green
Best Crime Film
Judge - Nicolo' Pozzali
In the Valley of the Moon - Luca Massimiliano Pizzoleo
No Pain No Amor - Daniel Locicero
The Adventures of Firebolt - Felicia Gonzalez Brown
Dusters - Noel Vinson
Warren's Gold - Nick Swezey
Best LGBTQ Film
Unbarred - Melissa Davidson
The Really Rude Stinkbug - Jacquelyn Fiorillo
Folded Whispers - Mark Anthony Thomas
My Girlfriend's Family - Kimberly Schäfer, Riccarda Richter
Dear Sister - Amy Catherine Welch
PSEUDEA - Ani Stein
Best Musical/Dance Film
Between Here and Gone - Iván Gisbert, Sadie Duarte
Temporary Contemporary - Oliver David Brand
Pigments : Down By The Bayou - Dawn Richard
Bring it Back - John D Cranman
A Feast That Never Comes - Maria Juranic, Sven Britt
Genius Moves The World - Carlo Guttadauro
Best Web/TV Pilot
Journalism 101 - Michael Lopez
What Sadie Saw - Christopher Villiers, Georgia Slowe, Alistair Barrie
Future Dictator - Lucas Shim, Brad Tryon
LionHeart - Joi-Noelle Worley
Lizzy's Plan: 3 Peas in a Podcast - Mia Rivera
Night Visit - Abdul Stone Jackson, Khalil S Zanika
Best Web Series
Axmo Deus - Noel Vinson, Abel Robinson, Luke Agius
Outdates - Mariya Ranieli
Night Visit - Abdul Stone Jackson, Khalil S Zanika
Bless Your Heart - Bri Kaisen, Matthew Humphrey, Mary McKeon
The Black Man's Guide To World Travel - Medellin Colombia - Marques Wilson

Best Documentary
Changing Lives (The Save) - Dale Fabrigar, Suzanne DeLaurentiis, Toby Thomas
A Smallholder's Voice - Clara Wetzel
Repeat - Thomas Greenaway
The Missing Weeks - Ali Ahmad Diab
Only Human - Katerina Giannakopoulou
Hi, Dad - Stephanie Tonneson
Best Animation
Unsaid Words - Stark Zhao
MOLOKA - Hsun-Chun Chuang
Fugitive - Adis Kutkut
Tippy Topper - Isis Rubio, Paige Thorsen
JOY - Chongjia Zhang, Yining Dang, Shan Dora Huang
Sleepless Beauty - Gog Mkrtchyan
Best Music Video
Bring it Back - John D Cranman
Rosa Linn - Snap - Aramayis Hayrapetyan
Övergivenheten - Hanna Oldenburg, Johan Kuurne
Ghost - Boo Riley, Charles Billot
Elvis Presley - Unchained Melody - Gabriel Tick, Alexander Pellerano
Unsteady - Mike Cerisano, Arielle Murphy
Best Student Film
Waiting - Pere Lee
Jimmy Boden - Christopher Pickering
PSEUDEA - Ani Stein
On Another Note - Brandon Hill
Wild Rose - Hannsue
All Right - Noah Collins
Best Microfilm
The Five Stages of Grief - Adler James Tuck
Shine - Theodore Daley
Remote Workers | Visit Cascais - António Aleixo
Sleepless Beauty - Gog Mkrtchyan
Stronger than you think - Laurent Stine
Tenderness - Adam William Wilson
Best Director
Dusters - Noel Vinson
Butterfly Boxing - Joslyn Rose Lyons
In the Valley of the Moon - Luca Massimiliano Pizzoleo
Terra Sancta - Andreas Heinrich
One Day Back Home - Ruijing Chen
My Girlfriend's Family - Kimberly Schäfer

Best First Time Director
Fish - Lesette Maxwell
More Than Meets The Eye - David Samson
Aping Edwin Porter - James O'Donnell
Guan C·X8129 - Yizhi Lin
Seashell - Dannon Wu
Judge - Nicolo' Pozzali
Best Indie Filmmaker
Doll Factory - Junyoung Park
An Interview with the Times - Marc Cunningham
The Call - Tom Balsamides
The Canary - Emilie Lowe
In the Spotlight - Jessica Qinyue Luo
Well Past Midnight - Lucas Teichman Dudley
Best Young Filmmaker
Dreamless - Isaiah Harris
Porky - Samuel Paul Tricomo
All The Little Impossibles - Zan Miray Lapp
Mirage - Caleb Reese Paul
Doubt the Stars are Fire - Jaemin Feldman
All Right - Noah Collins

Best Actor
A Bedtime Story - Elijah Khodyrev
More Than Meets The Eye - David Samson
The Cruelty Of Nature - Eoin Bourke
A Deadly Conversation - Dylan Hughes
Scratch - Brian Palatucci
In the Valley of the Moon - Raz Fritz
Best Actress
Black Tie Optional - Eliza Allen
More Than Meets The Eye - Anna Vanston
Ship of Theseus - Wenjun Cai
In The Between - Gina Vitori
E P - Jaclene London
My Girlfriend's Family - Riccarda Richter
Best Young Actor
Invisible Flags - Ryan Jason Sittun
Nest - Sean Hoover
Fish - Nolan Almeida
Sweet Bear O’ Mine - John Gialitis
OPIA - Evan Hasler
Goggles - Cole Robertshaw
Best Young Actress
Invisible Flags - Mia Sandler
No Last Words - Thalia Anne Oliver
All The Little Impossibles - Fiona Larsen-Teskey
Plunderers of Rodentia - Raley Parker
Nest - Nicole Braeger
Doubt the Stars are Fire - Eva LaFond

Best Duo
Unbarred - Sarah Moon & Melissa Davidson
Invisible Flags - Michael Welch & Meitar Paz
ALMOST Home Alone - Mike Alves & Tim Eager
Dave & Alice Want to Have Sex - Mark St. Cyr & Alli Brown
Safe Harbor - Mimmi Kandler & Johanna Smitz
Blueberry - Sofia D'Marco & Andrew McIntyre
Best Ensemble
Awkward Endeavors - Gil Damon, Kathleen Kozak, David Amadio, Steve Kuzmick, Desmond Frey
Premonition - Bohn Connor, Ashley Escoto, Kot Takahashi, Austin Schmidt, Aaron Pina, Bryan A. Mackenzie
Call of the Clown Horn - PJ Sosko, Jeanine Serralles, Kevin Bernard, Kevin Weisman, Marco Sanchez, Elizabeth Tobias, Ruthy Otero
In the Valley of the Moon - Raz Fritz, Ryan Emilio Molina, Marco Giuliano, Landon Moss, Ashley Murray, Sebastien Basset
OPIA - Jake Shannon, Will Ennis, Brittany Howatt, Evan Hasler, Duncan McLellan
My Girlfriend's Family - Anja Lukassek, Riccarda Richter, Florian Peter Stübchen, Maria Einfeldt, Johannes Stelzhammer, Julia Schmitt
Best Cinematography
Life Drawing - Marianne Williams
Ship of Theseus - WenJun Pan
Butterfly Boxing - Nick Mahar
Goggles - Kaleb Laidman
Jimmy Boden - Christopher Pickering
Voler - Vedant Chavan
Best Editing
Seashell - Kyle Altus
More Than Meets The Eye - Carlos Berber
The Washer - Xiao Chen
Butterfly Boxing - Brandon Rowe
Osmosis - Stacy Peterson
OPIA - Edward Mines
Best Score
Saturday Afternoon - Aki Cao
More Than Meets The Eye - Bobby Brader
Tippy Topper - Dane Bryant Frazier
Seashell - Pierre Gildenhuys
Electric Eyes - Zofia Hame, Homayoon Marcus Hame
The Really Rude Stinkbug - John DeSentis
Best Commercial/Promotional Video
ALMOST Home Alone - Lisa Marie Tedesco, Johnny Kraszewski
Remote Workers | Visit Cascais - António Aleixo
Fire on Tire - Royal Ismayilov
Genius Moves The World - Carlo Guttadauro
Mazda CX-60 The power of Authenticity - Theodore Tzartos
Stuck On A Frown - Tim Moldenhauer

Best Original Story
Black Tie Optional - Shuban Krishnan
Peace in Patience - Sanmi Oguntunde
PSEUDEA - Chelsea Columbus
Sugar - Evan Galiffa, Travis Huhn
In The Between - Dublin Wahlberg
In the Valley of the Moon - Luca Massimiliano Pizzoleo
Best Screenplay
South for Winter - Jill Ferrari
Happy Life - Kelly Jean Karam
Scratch Off - Gary Giudice
Burned - Loren Davis
The Collectors - Mark Higgins
The Favela Kid - Alex Martins
Best Television Script
Axmo Deus - Noel Vinson, Abel Robinson, Luke Agius
Praetorian - Dan Padbury
WENCH - Aaveen Marandi, Tommy Miller
The Private Sector - Benjamin King
New Olympus - Matthew Nicholson
Even Keel - Jeff Gendelman
Special Jury Award
Silent Sirens - Neil Sandhoefner
Left Behind - Matthew R Ford
Dance for Me - Robin Hofmann
Luminous - Joseph Anthony Marcello
Mirror Me - Elena Sakuda
Uprooted: An Afghan Evacuee Story - Samaritan's Purse
Breakthrough Filmmaker of the Year
More Than Meets The Eye - David Samson
Torn Souls (Les Mains Vides) - Arthur Dupont
Black Tie Optional - Shuban Krishnan
Mom & Dad Are Okay - Lucas Monteiro
Jimmy Boden - Christopher Pickering
Bereft - Rhea Dudani
Breakthrough Screenwriter of the Year
The Deulsional PA - Frank Mancuso
Debt Apocalypse - Phillip Alan Bowen, Chad Alan Rohn
The Blossom - Shahnaz Mahmud
CandyByte - Diana Foronda
Table - Marelize Roets
The Private Sector - Benjamin King
Submissions now open for the 10th Annual Top Shorts! Submit your film/screenplay: