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Top Shorts Winners - May 2024

Film of the Month

The Can - Shadow C. LaValley, Danielle Purdy

Best Narrative Film

The Wooden Bowl - Connie C Lamothe

Best Indie Film

Daisy - Alyssa Scott, Cassidy Krygger

Best Drama

The Can - Shadow C. LaValley, Danielle Purdy

Best Comedy

Café Wimbledon - Jinyong Kim

Best Thriller

USE ME - Vijendra Bhambhani

Best Horror

Whispers on Red Lake - Adrian Campbell

Best Inspirational Film

The Invincibles - Suzie Léger, Noemi Sophia James

Best Romance Film

Dunes - Virginie Kahn

Best LGBTQ Film

The Invincibles - Suzie Léger, Noemi Sophia James

Best Musical/Dance Film

Dunes - Virginie Kahn

Best Web Series

Big Girl Love - RaJeana Price

Best Documentary

Valley Stream Engine 4 Celebrates 100 Years - Zach Feldman

Best Animation

Book! - Chris John Georgenes

Best Music Video

Symphonic Fantasy - Susan Mey Lee Lim, Samudra Kajal Saikia, Christina Teenz Tan

Best Student Film

Piece for Piece - Ian Wang

Best Director

Paper Flowers - Todd Lien

Best Actor

The Can - Shadow C. LaValley

Best Actress

The Can - Zoë Yeoman

Best Young Actor

The Wooden Bowl - Ethan Thomas Flynn

Best Young Actress

Paper Flowers - Sylvia Ye

Best Score

A Red Rose For My Love - Jasper Ku

Best Song

Symphonic Fantasy - Susan Mey Lee Lim, Samudra Kajal Saikia, Christina Teenz Tan, Manu Martin

Best Original Story

The Wooden Bowl - Connie C Lamothe, Michael P Brennan

Best Screenplay

Flying Into Infinity - Vahtang Pridonashvili

Best Drama Screenplay

EL MALE - Leonardo Mileikowsky, David Mileikowsky

Best Horror Screenplay

Dark Web Empire - Kenzie Pursel

Best Sci-Fi Screenplay

Flying Into Infinity - Vahtang Pridonashvili

* Winners may order an official Top Shorts statuette

* Winners may order a review - FilmFreeway Gold members get $50 off

The Wooden Bowl - Trailer

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