Best of Fest 2021
The Morning Walk - Louise Hylland, Marc Harpsøe
Jury President Award
Sleepwalk - Filipe Melo
Special Jury Award
Until - Kevin Bacon, Kyra Sedgwick
Best Narrative Film of the Year
Sleepwalk - Filipe Melo
Best Indie Film of the Year
A Threat to Justice - Chris Files
Best Drama of the Year
Becoming Everything - Dan Lowënstein
Best Comedy of the Year
A Girl and a Gun - Pierre-Edouard Joubert
Best Thriller of the Year
Windblown - Usher Morgan, Katie Vincent
Best Horror of the Year
Vincent - Nicholas Andrews
Best Action Film of the Year
RED - David Newton, Beau Fowler
Best Sci-Fi of the Year
The Counterfeit Mind - Malek Haneen
Best Experimental Film of the Year
clarity. - Daisy Paroczy Hickey
Best Inspirational Film of the Year
Making Waves - Laura Zéphirin
Best Fantasy Film of the Year
Fulgidusen - Alexander Feichter
Best Romance Film of the Year
Manasanamaha - Deepak
Best Mystery Film of the Year
Acid Fantasy - Lorenzo Lanzillotti
Best Parody of the Year
Chronicles of Gnarnia: The Rex Chadwick Story - Brian Colin Foley
Best Dark Comedy of the Year
Hero - Jayson Martin
Best Romantic Comedy of the Year
We Met in Quarantine - Rob Seiffert, Rob Wagner
Best Crime Film of the Year
Lockbox - Jake Noecker
Best LGBTQ Film of the Year
Underneath - Lena Weller
Best Film Noir of the Year
The Widow - Brendan Young
Best Web/TV Pilot of the Year
Sharp - Sander Ligthart
Best Web Series of the Year
Divorce School - Dana Marisa Schoenfeld, Julie Zelman
Best Documentary of the Year
Inhale - Brian Chambers
Best Animation of the Year
The Heretic - Veselin Efremov
Best Music Video of the Year
Supersonics / Caravan Palace - Béchir "Jiwee" Jouini
Best Student Film of the Year
Pork Chop - Katherine Guggenberger
Best Microfilm of the Year
Made With Love - Chloé Robichaud
Best Director of the Year
RED - David Newton
Best First Time Director of the Year
Big Break - Dicle Ozcer
Best Indie Filmmaker of the Year
Amy From Outer Space - Eric Urbiztondo
Best Young Filmmaker of the Year
bun·ny /’banē/ - lost girl - Anna Martin
Best Actor of the Year
RED - Beau Fowler
Best Actress of the Year
Windblown - Katie Vincent
Best Actor in an Indie Film
Gunther - Joel Wetterstein
Best Actress in an Indie Film
You Up? - Lindi Cecile
Best Supporting Actor of the Year
Countless Sheep - Jeremiah Jahi
Best Supporting Actress of the Year
The Great Artist - Marimar Vega
Best Young Actor of the Year
Strung - Wyatt Darling
Best Young Actress of the Year
Mathilda - Laurel Badenell
Best Duo of the Year
Windblown - Katie Vincent & Jacob A. Ware
Best Ensemble of the Year
Sleepwalk - Greg Lucey, Durant McLeod, Joy Green, William Knight
Best Cinematography of the Year
The Morning Walk - Sophie Caroline Gohr
Best Editing of the Year
Pentimento - Richard Learoyd, Harry Learoyd
Best Score of the Year
The Peak - Tomoko Sasaki
Best Sound Design of the Year
RED - Dean Covill
Best Song of the Year
Stay Sane - "Sane" - Tea Wagner, Tea Belle
Best Visual Effects of the Year
Fulgidusen - Alexander Feichter, Marlon Finger, Alina Hanna Fischer, Pagotto Guido, Matthias Schilder, Paul Caspar Weiss
Best Commercial of the Year
Inertia City - Vellas, Reinaldo Faria
Best Original Story of the Year
The Morning Walk - Louise Hylland
Best Screenplay of the Year
Anya - Mike Greenwood
Best Television Script of the Year
Currently Katie - Hannah Petosa
"7th Annual Top Shorts Winners Announced" - read this article by FilmCon:
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